Building Confident Birth Doulas
Whether you know for sure that being a birth doula is what you want to do or you're just looking into it for the first time. This workshop will help you answer your questions and prepare you to start working as a confident and knowledgeable doula. We cover so many topics you'd expect like helping build birth plans, explaining options, and physically supporting someone in labor, but we also cover finding clients, contracts, and setting fees. We cover it all!
Choose a Starting Point:
Whether you are just starting to think about becoming a doula, you're a new doula, or you've been a doula for awhile, I have some great things to offer you. Our Birth Doula Trainings are hosted over at There you can get more information & register for your training.
The birth doula training is accredited through DONA. It starts at $545 and includes the doula training, the Intro to childbirth, as well as the lactation course. Preps you to attend your first births!
Maybe you're looking for some advanced class for extra learning or for continuing education. I offer a variety of things you can use to add to your services as a doula. Prices vary starting at $10.
Looking for ongoing learning and mentoring with a group of doulas? You might consider our Doula Mastermind group. There are monthly lessons added and access to speakers starting at $29.

“I feel well prepared to start my doula journey and Robin has made her self accessible after class to continue to help us learn and grow in our careers.”

"One of the things I have learned is there are a lot of ways I can run my business as a birth doula."

"I really enjoyed this class. I learned a lot and Robin made everything easy to understand and it was fun. I feel ready to begin doing doula work."